Thursday, November 13, 2008

Don't Label ME................................

So...who would'da thunk it? If you take one 'innocent' four year old girlie.............

one handsome 11 year old boy.....................

oh yeah, don't forget to add in 'the dad's' new label making machine.......................

you somehow get this........................

are you feelin' the love here????
Unfortunately, there is not 'grammar check' on the labeler for the B-Boy!!!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

October, a month full of Magic, magic that turns.....

These little monsters.....................

Into these MONSTERS!!!

Hope Your Halloween was MAGICAL!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

It's Official...

The reports are in...Hell has not froze over, instead...the computer illiterate, technically challenged Tennille, has FINALLY got herself a blog. (It might have been better if Hell froze over!) Consider yourself warned. Now, let the games begin!